The Atzeret and Days of Noah

Daniel Larimer
5 min read1 hour ago


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What follows is speculation based upon observation of current events and in the stars. After October 9th passed and my best theory fell flat on its face I have become much more cautious. I still believe that the 5 prophecies that point to fall 2024 are valid and therefore I expect things to happen pretty much any day. This creates a paradox of study and production of content where it is easier and faster to “wait and see” than to study, prove, document and share. So rather than proving anything, I will simply share interesting observations and dates and we can see what happens.

In my last post I speculated that it would occur on a Full Moon or a Sabbath and now that the Full Moon has come and gone we are left with looking at Sabbaths. That said, identifying the Sabbath isn’t a trivial matter, especially if you peg it to the Lunar Month. This past full moon occurred at 7:26 AM EST (New York/DC Time) on the 17th. Because this is after first light, the east cost doesn’t start the 8th month until the 18th of October. However, on the west coast (California), the full moon occurred at 4:26 AM, which puts their start of the month on the 17th of October.

In other words, the “biblical international dateline” which rotates around the globe from month to month falls somewhere in the middle of the USA this month on a Full Moon calendar. It should be noted that we have this exact same problem if you follow the first visible sliver. If the threshold of visibility is crossed somewhere in the 3 hour window between East Coast and West Coast then you will have such a problem.

Using the International Date Line (IDL) and in the Pacific Ocean is a convention of man invented less than 200 years ago; therefore, going off of days defined by the IDL and based upon visibility in Israel makes less sense. That said, the Full Moon in Israel was during the day light on the 17th which puts the month starting on Friday the 18th if you insist on using Israel as a point of reference.

With that said, there are two potential Sabbath Days for the USA this month: Thursdays or Fridays depending upon your timezone. This makes it impossible for all of Babylon to fall on the same Biblical calendar day using the full moon.

This same “International Date Line” that everyone takes for granted is also the primary evidence making it impossible for Saturday to be the Sabbath everywhere on Earth.

Sliver Atzeret

With nothing happening on the Full Moon Atzeret I consider the Sliver Moon Atzeret an interesting possibility. After all, I did provide evidence that the 13th month when Ezekiel laid on his side occurred on a sliver moon calendar.

To identify the date of the Atzeret we must know when the 22nd day of the 7th month is which means we must know when the 7th month started. The state of Israel places it on Wednesday, October 2nd, but those who follow the tradition of first visible crescent put it on October 3rd or 4th. The moon was 1.3% visible in central USA on the evening of October 3rd which places the first daylight on October 4th. This makes October 25th the Atzeret in the USA, but it could also be the 24th or 23rd depending upon how define “New Moon”.

Since the state of Israel is observing its “Holy Days” through the 23rd, it seems logical they would wait until the 24th or 25th to act against Iran. This makes the 25th a prime time for Iran, Russia, China, and North Korea to respond or preempt.

The BRICS are also meet October 22nd — 24th which is a great time for the nations to finalize their plans to take down Babylon the Great no earlier than the 25th.

Noah Enters Ark — 10th/20th day of 8th month

But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

Putting aside the sliver moon calendar for a moment, let us now consider where we are on the Full Moon calendar.

The 8th month started on the 17th or 18th of October depending upon Time Zone, so this has the anniversary of Noah entering the Ark on the 26th or 27th of October with the rain starting 7 days later on the 17th day of second month or November 2nd or 3rd (Jupiter in Opposition to Sun).

Of course, the Septuagint has Noah entering the Ark on the 20th day which would have Noah entering the Ark on November 5th or 6th with the rains starting November 12 to 13th (Saturn stands still November 14–15) under the bowl of wrath.

Working Backward from the End

Day of Atonement, Judgment Day, starts in 2031 on none other than October 9th! We are told the coming of the son of man will be like the days of Noah and we are also told there will be 2520 days (30 x 12 x 7) during which everything will happen. If you subtract 2520 days from the Day of Atonement in 2031 you end up on November 14th. If you utilize Feast of Trumpets as the “head of the year”, then 7 prophetic years earlier would place you on November 4th.

Time Line

On September 27th, the day Helene hit Florida and caused Biblical floods in North Carolina which also happened to be the Day of Atonement on the Full Moon calendar, a Comet was discovered. Comet C/2024 S1 ATLAS will come closest to earth on October 23 and could be as bright as Venus. It will come extremely close to the sun on October 28th which in turn creates a high probability of inducing solar storms that arrive between October 30th and November 2nd.

All of this is happening while we are waiting for a recurrent Nova event to crown the serpent which could happen any day.



Daniel Larimer

Cofounder of,,, and author of More Equal Animals — the subtle art of true democracy.