How Certain is Too Certain of October 9th Judgment and Rapture Date?

Daniel Larimer
10 min readJun 2, 2024


One of the most frequent “warnings” I receive is that I am too confident in my interpretation of scripture and that such confidence runs contrary to scripture. I am a logical guy who believes words have meanings and I am also comfortable with all information having a probability of error associated with it. When the Bible says the wise will understand, I believe it.

So when it comes to interpreting scripture and history we are dealing with “facts” that have a margin of error. This is true of all scripture, especially translated scripture.

Hebrews 11:1 — “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”

Faith is having a conviction of something even when it is not yet seen or in spite of the potential for error. For example, when was the last time someone was chastised for being too certain of their salvation? Or turn it around, how many times is one chastised for expressing in humility that they might not properly understand scriptures regarding what is required for salvation? The Jews were chastised for being “too confident” in their salvation:

“And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham.” — Matthew 3:9

In modern times we have the same warning:

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven” — Matthew 7:21

Many quote verses that could imply “no one knows” and interpret it as “no one will ever know” as if they are 100% certain of their interpretation while condemning those who interpret other scriptures with similar certainty. We are either allowed to interpret scripture with certainty of faith or not allowed, it cannot be both ways.

The fact is we all must make choices based upon incomplete and imperfect information. You go to work expecting to get paid even if there is a chance you won’t. You drive on the road expecting to arrive safely even if there is a chance you won’t. You say prayers and trust Yahusha (Jesus) for your salvation even if you don’t understand how and why it all works and you don’t even know for certain what year he paid for your sins.

Knowing the Day and the Hour

When it comes to “knowing” the day or hour people love to quote Matthew 24:36 with certainty that they understand the verse and can therefore justify their ignorance and choice not to watch nor seek to understand.

I recently came across an original Hebrew copy of Matthew that most scholars do not believe was a reverse translation but instead a copy of the original Hebrew written by Matthew. I decided to look up Matthew 24:35–36 in the original Hebrew to see if there was any new insights we could gain and what I found was indeed insightful!

As best I can tell, the original Hebrew reads:

Heaven and earth will pass away and from that day forward and that ignition/fire/cause there are none who know.

This is a HUGE clarification which basically says that no one knows what happens after heaven and earth pass away or the cause of them passing away. This is because there is no prophecy to cover that time.

With this text anyone claiming they “know” what this verse means with 100% certainty is lying. There is a more than reasonable chance that this verse isn’t talking about the start of the tribulation or the rapture. Which means that it is entirely possible that we could know the day and hour of the tribulation and the rapture.

Greek Knowing — Ginosko vs Oida

Two Greek words are used for ‘to know’ in the New Testament — ginosko and oida. Ginosko signifies objective knowledge, what a man has learned or acquired by study and experience. The English expression ‘being acquainted with’ perhaps conveys the meaning.

Oida conveys the thought of what is inward, the inward consciousness in the mind, intuitive knowledge not immediately derived from what is external. In the context of the following verse the tense is “perfect” or “past / completed” and not future:

But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. — Mat 24:36

Given the difference in the meaning and the tense, one could reasonably translate it as “But of that day an hour knew no man, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only”. The key word comes in the next verse… “but as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be”.

The “but” implies a contrast to or “against” the prior statement. No one knew (past tense), but now I’m telling you it will be like the days of Noah. Noah went into the Ark 7 days before the flood. Noah knew the timing.

The difference between the two greek words for types of knowing is illustrated in John 8:55, ‘ye know (ginosko) him not, but I know (oida) him,’ in John 13:7, ‘What I do you do not know (oida) now, but you shall know (ginosko) hereafter,’ and in Heb. 8:11, ‘they shall not teach . . . saying, Know (ginosko) the Lord; because all shall know (oida) me.

Matt. 24:32 (ginosko)… Know that summer is near
Matt. 24:33 (ginosko)… Know that it is near, even at the doors
Matt. 24:43 (ginosko)… Know this, if the good man
Mark 13:28 (ginosko)… Know that summer is near
Mark 13:29 (ginosko)… You will know the time is near

Matt. 24:36 (oida)… Of that day and hour knoweth no man
Matt. 24:42 (oida)… You won’t know when your Lord will return
Matt. 24:43 (oida)… If the good man had known
Matt. 25: 13 (oida)… You know neither the day nor the hour when he comes
Mark 13:32 (oida)… Of that day and hour knoweth no man
Mark 13:33 (oida)… You don’t know when the master of the house is coming

Perhaps the most relevant verse:

And shall lay thee even with the ground, and thy children within thee; and they shall not leave in thee one stone upon another; because thou knew (ginōskō) not the time of thy visitation. — Luke 19:44

He was indicating that the knowledge would not come instinctively, but would require some effort to perceive and understand it. This is captured in the command to watch which implies to diligently seek in order to find and understand and therefore ginosko.

Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding…She is more precious than jewels, and nothing you desire can compare with her. Proverbs 3:13–15

False Humility Demanded

If one has understanding should they pretend that they do not so as not to offend those who who lack faith and understanding? If the smartest kid in the calculus class figures out the answer that has everyone else stumped should he pretend he doesn’t really know the answer or that “no one can figure it out”?

He should absolutely acknowledge that all things have a potential for error, but he shouldn’t have to over estimate his probability of error. Likewise, those who assert that everyone in the past has been wrong as evidence that everyone in the future will also be wrong do so against scripture:

Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand. — Daniel 12:10

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. — 2 Tim 2:15

Many people view the word “dividing” as meaning “separating” and apply some scripture to Jews and other to everyone else; however, I believe that there is a more logical and consistent interpretation:

If you are to cut straight there is no room for “inconsistency” in the scripture. Anyone picking and choosing verses to apply to different groups of people is not cutting consistently but in an arbitrary and uneven manner.

If you study and seek to apply the logical “law of non-contradiction” then you can find the truth, but if you allow contradiction to remain then there is a chance that you do not understand something.

It is not possible for the “wise to understand” and “no one to know” nor is it possible for command us to “warn” after successfully “watching” if successful watching is impossible. Therefore, those quoting Mat 24:36 as meaning no one will ever know have not rightly (consistently) divided/interpreted the word.

So if you watch and study with the help of the Holy Spirit you will gain wisdom and knowledge and you need not be ashamed!

Need to Act

Watching for the coming sudden destruction is a command that has a counterpart, a command to warn others. This command to warn has a consequence that that the blood of anyone who dies from the coming judgment whom you don’t warn will be on your head.

Son of man, speak to the children of thy people, and say unto them, When I bring the sword (nukes) upon a land, if the people of the land take a man of their coasts, and set him for their watchman (Yahusha commanded us all to watch):

And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch. — Jesus, Mark 13:37

If when he seeth the sword come upon the land, he blow the trumpet, and warn the people; Then whosoever heareth the sound of the trumpet, and taketh not warning; if the sword come, and take him away, his blood shall be upon his own head. But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand. — Eze 33:6

How can the watchman be held accountable for something that is impossible for him to know? How much “warning” is the watchman reasonably expected to have during which he is expected to warn others?

Now there are two kinds of warnings… “Yahuaha is coming someday… so you had better watch!“ which is what everyone should be warning about so that everyone can be watching. After all we could all die any day. This state of alarm cannot be too high intensity or it cannot be sustained. Think of this “someday” warning as DEFCON 5.

But what about when one finally gains the wisdom and understanding to know beyond reasonable doubt? When there are a half dozen independent witnesses from scripture and history that are then confirmed by the sun, moon, and stars? What then?

Well that is called seeing the sword coming and sounding the alarm as loudly as you can to as many as you can. That would be DEFCON 1. If you are to rebuke such a watchman then such a rebuke must come with strong evidence that the nuke he saw on radar was really just a flock of birds. Claims that “no one can read the radar” are not useful.

Upon hearing the alarm of the watchman, your job is to investigate the evidence for yourself and test it against scripture and with the Spirit. Then you can decide whether you should act on the alarm. Telling such a person to “be quiet” and “don’t be so confident” must come with strong evidence showing the watchman what facts he misinterpreted.

Consequences for False Alarm

From time to time my home alarm goes off because the wind blew open the door, or I forgot to disarm it. After a brief rush of adrenaline I access the situation and verify that no one is breaking in. The security company calls to confirm and then everything is OK. I don’t get mad at the false alarm and disable it because one day it could be a real alarm. Every such alarm must be vetted and not dismissed as an assumed false alarm.

When anyone presents you with evidence of Judgment Day or Rapture on a particular date it is your personal responsibility to vet the information and draw your own conclusions. Do not quit your job, sell everything you own, or rack up debt expecting to escape and then get angry if the watchman made a mistake. We are all commanded to watch; therefore, we are all commanded to do our own homework. Use another watchman's warning as a wake up call to start to study.

Only after your own study should you act and only after you have determined that you have no one to blame but yourself for getting it wrong. If you choose to outsource your duty to watch, then do not blame the watchman for getting it wrong — blame yourself for choosing the wrong watchman but forgive the watchman he was only doing his best.

Watchman’s Actions are Louder than Words

If you see a watchman that is pointing out dates but isn’t changing his life because of them then you know he doesn’t really believe anything he is saying. Their warnings are like DEFCON 4, a hint that you should look closer but nothing that is actionable. If they cry wolf on a regular basis then you should probably tune them out so you don’t miss the warnings of more reliable watchmen.

But just because some watchmen cry wolf, doesn’t logically mean all watchmen can be tuned out. The blood of those who tune out the true watchmen because of the watchmen that cry wolf may be on the head of those who cry wolf.

Red Alert on October 9th, 2024



Daniel Larimer
Daniel Larimer

Written by Daniel Larimer

Cofounder of,,, and author of More Equal Animals — the subtle art of true democracy.

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