Watch with Commentary

Farewell October 9th

Daniel Larimer
11 min read6 days ago

Since May 4th I have been convinced from scripture that the fall of Babylon and the rapture would occur on the Last Great Day of Tabernacles which I believe fell on October 9th this year. The incredible sign in the stars found on that date convinced me that I had the calendar correct as well.

I spent 5 months warning everyone about the coming fall of Babylon and my rationale for it, but when the day came we only got a record breaking Hurricane and major CME launched at sunrise in Israel.

Obviously, something from my interpretation was off and figuring it out is like discovering which bulb in a strand of Christmas lights is broken. Is the year wrong? The Calendar wrong or the Feast Day wrong? And what exactly was the significance of the apparent sign or was it all imagination? So many things to search through.

Fruit of the Effort

As a watchman our job is to look for anything suspicious and then warn others. If you see someone one drop a suspicious package in a public place you warn people to investigate, even if you are not 100% certain that it is a threat. The majority of the time it is a false alarm, but sometimes it saves countless lives.

Because of Revelation in the Stars countless people are now aware that 2024 could be the start of the 7 year tribulation and that the Bible appears to describe Nuclear war. A quick look at current events shows that Nuclear war could start any day. As a result countless people have refocused their attention on Yeshua and following him and sharing His word with others.

Even Nelson Walters was able to extract new and useful insights from the video such as Joel 2:15–16. Countless watchmen now have additional information and perspective to consider.

My parents and many others have come come to appreciate Yah’s feast days and to keep the Day of Atonement, Feast of Tabernacles and the Sabbath.

Allegations of Profit Motive

Some people think there was some evil scheme to profit off of this video, but I want to assure everyone that I seek only the truth and do my best to share what I find. I may be mistaken, but it is not intentional. Yeshua’s blood covers us for unintentional sins.

Here is a brief sample of my views and promotion costs on YouTube as well as my Revenue from YouTube. For some reason YouTube gave me $0.03 in estimated Revenue because for a brief period monetization was forced to go to the mistaken “copy right” claims on the audio. When that was resolved it seems they gave me $0.03.

Book Sales

I have a few minor legacy videos that are monetized, but I only monetized them because you need to be signed up to monetize in order to actively decline monetization. My hope was that if I actively declined monetization I could reduce the Ads YouTube would place on it.

Book Sales

Even though I shared the OCT9 discount code, which reduces my Royalty to 0%, some people chose not to apply the code. One individual bought 1000 copies without the code and that accounts for the majority of my book revenue. That said, I mailed out about 230 free physical copies of the book including cost of shipping, and gave away books to everyone I know. These costs exceed that revenue.

This combined with my production costs of about $40,000, billboards, and Spotify/Pandora ads other costs added up to over $1 million dollars in raising awareness of Yeshua’s soon return and the coming tribulation.

If my plan was to make money off of the video I failed miserably and I am sure my accountant will not allow me to claim these costs as a “business expense”.

Evaluating the Year

Almost all watchmen are in agreement that 2024 is the most likely year for the tribulation to begin and it is confirmed by 5 independent prophecies; therefore, if one of those prophecies had a mistake in interpretation, as some claim, then all would need to have a similar mistake.

Nelson Walters recently reviewed my video, after it was safe to do so, and he claims that I got the 7 year tribulation window correct; however, his first critique was that the Jubilee count should start 7 years later, after they had conquered the land. If this is true, they we would have 7 more years during which everything in Jeremiah could come to pass.

My claim is that the first year of the first Jubilee was 1406 BC. His claim is that it is 1399 BC. That would make 2031 the last year of 70 x 49 years start in spring 1399 and ending in spring 2032. Let’s test that theory.

Other Jubilees

Ezekiel 40 documents the head of the year as being the 10th day of the 7th month.

Ros Sana — head of year

In prior Nelson videos he also mentions that on the last year of a Jubilee Rosh Hashanah is moved to the 10th day with Day of Atonement. Therefore, there is a logical inconsistency in claiming the Jubilee cycle started in 1399 BC and understanding Ezekiel 40 as documenting a Jubilee.

The other inconsistency is that if Nelson’s interpretation were correct, then the Word of YHUH, part of our inheritance, would not have been returned to Josiah on a Jubilee. While we do not have any direct evidence that that must be a Jubilee it does fit with the spirit of things being restored. So either Ezekiel 40 and Josiah are not aligned with Jubilee years or Nelson’s interpretation of Leviticus 25 is incorrect.

The Lord spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai, saying, “Speak to the people of Israel and say to them, When you come into the land that I give you, the land shall keep a Sabbath to the Lord. For six years you shall sow your field, and for six years you shall prune your vineyard and gather in its fruits. — Leviticus 25

While Nelson didn’t directly quote the following verse, I presume this is the verse he uses to document the year they got their inheritance.

So Joshua took the whole land, according to all that the Lord said unto Moses; and Joshua gave it for an inheritance unto Israel according to their divisions by their tribes. And the land rested from war. — Joshua 11:23

However, Leviticus says “when you come into the land” which occurred at the Jordan crossing and is aligned with when they started eating of the land. For 6 years Israel as a whole ate of the land and then they rested on the 7th. It was only divided among the tribes in the 7th year. Does this year not count as having received their inheritance?

And the manna ceased on the morrow after they had eaten of the old corn of the land; neither had the children of Israel manna any more, but they ate of the fruit of the land of Canaan that year. — Joshua 5:12

By Nelson’s account, Israel would have received their inheritance in the 7th year of a cycle that aligns with 2024–2031 instead of in the 1st year, the Jubilee year.

The book of Jubilees also states that the 50th (of 120) Jubilee ended when they crossed the Jordan, which started the final 70 Jubilees.

Jubilees 50

So by all accounts I have established the Jubilee cycle with 2–4 witnesses from scripture and historical texts and Nelson has 1 weak witness that doesn’t exactly fit. I use the term “witness” to mean any “plausible interpretation” of a text given the inherent ambiguity. I think we must be careful about dogmatic interpretation of texts and acknowledge all plausible interpretations as being a potential witness for or against all possible theories.

The Desolation of the Abomination

Nelson and I appear to agree that the Abomination will be desolated around Passover 2028, and we both have “signs in the stars” that confirm our understanding, but he places Passover on the full moon and I put it on the dark moon, a difference of about two weeks.

This is why “signs in the stars” are so troublesome, it is possible to rationalize many signs and not even realize you are doing it. We each identify different “red dragons”, but mine is thrown into the sea ( a group of sea related constellations) and His is carried by a man. My sign is predicted by Stellarium and his is speculative effects about a potential meteor impact. Whose sign is “the sign” and whose is “a rationalization”? That is a hard thing to resolve without an objective measure of defining a sign.

It is for this reason that I rely first on scripture to establish dates and signs in the stars are circumstantial evidence.

Nelson appeared to appreciate the connection between Psalm 90:10 flying away on Eagle’s wings, but missed the labor/travail and sorrow that came before indicating a pre-tribulation rapture.

Nelson brushed off the other prophecies pointing to the year including my interpretation of Daniel 9 and two orders to rebuild. I would love for him to do a reaction video to “Finding Daniel’s 70th Week” where I translate word by word Daniel 9.

Feast Day or Calendar

If the year is correct, then that means we must consider feast day or the calendar.

The Atzeret on October 9th was the last feast day of the year, leaving minor anniversaries such as the timeline of the Flood and man decreed feasts such as Hanukkah and Purim. However, the connection of the phrase “last day” to the day he will raise us up and to the Atzeret is very strong. However, there are two resurrections, so it could be referring to a different one.

We could start to suspect the calendar.

If we assume that sliver moon is the proper calendar, then that places the Fall of Babylon on October 27th, about 2 weeks from now. If you assume that the start of the year was off by a month with a full moon, then that puts the Atzeret at November 7th.

Cyrus entered Babylon on October 29th, 539 BC, but the Babylonian Army was routed earlier and towns started surrendering without out a fight around October 9th/10th 539 BC. It took time from that date for the army to march to the capital. Cyrus entered around the 29th of October which was in the middle of the feast of Tabernacles on the Full Moon calendar.

Nelson Walters’ Star Signs

One of the first issues many people have with my dates is that I use the Full Moon to start the month. I do this with a mountain of evidence which few take the time to address, instead they appeal to authority and tradition. That said, Nelson claims the signs should appear on biblical feast days and then immediately References the Revelation 12 sign from 2017 which didn’t occur on a biblical feast day. To give him credit he rationalizes why the “day after” a feast day makes sense, but once again to get that outcome he had to rationalize the definition of the sign with the moon at the knees on the 22nd instead of at the feet on the 23rd and he committed to the Dark Moon as the start of the month. The sign occurred on the 2rd to 4th day of 7th month using the Dark/Sliver moon calendar and when you count the sighting of the moon. It occurred in the middle of the Feast of Tabernacles using the full moon calendar.

Nelson earlier stated that “signs” are something that people can “see” and that a sign that people “cannot see” is not a reasonable sign. By that very logic, the dark moon starting the month is ruled out. It is a “sign” that we cannot see. And for most people the “sliver” is a sign that cannot be seen because they simply lack a clear view of the horizon due to trees, mountains, and poor eye sight, ruling out the sliver. The Jews own history documents they switched from sliver to the dark moon; therefore, Nelson is being inconsistent in his application and expectation of signs. If The 2–4th day of the 7th month is good for one sign (birth pains), why not the 7th day of the 7th month on October 9th?

His 2nd “sign”, an exploding asteroid in Serpins, is speculative and only “falls on a feast day” because by definition he stated it should occur with the abomination of desolation during passover at the midpoint.

I agree with him as to the timing of the sign at Passover, on the Full Moon Calendar, but have a different interpretation that isn’t speculative. So his speculative sign is far weaker and actually useless as a warning. See my video about the Revelation 12 sign linked below.

His “sign of the rapture” occurs on the “feast of trumpets” starting using the “dark moon”… so in the same video he has signs that appear on feast days and those that are off by a day or so and rationalizations for both.

You can see the problem, we are all subject to “seeing what we want to” and rationalizing the reasons for the observations after the fact. For example, his refute of my video is much easier after the date passed because hind-sight is 2020.

Setting a New Date

Many have accused me of missing many dates in the past and predicting I would go on to set a new date immediately after October 9th passed. October 9th is my first date to have passed incorrectly. At this point I do not have enough information to establish a new theory. But the news seems to align with things happening “any day now”.

I will be watching every feast day on every calendar for the rest of the fall. One interesting observation is October 14th the Moon is in conjunction with Saturn (666) under the bowl of wrath and in many places the moon will eclipse Saturn for about 4 hours. Even more spectacularly, for many people the moon will cover Saturn. I could easily see this lining up with the Day of Atonement (or Judgment) on a 3% sliver moon seen the evening of October 4th and making October 5th the 1st daylight of the 7th month. The evening of October 3rd with 0.6% visibility is not a good guess for the start of the month.

If October 5th is Day 1, then October 14th is Day 10 or the Day of Atonement where our sins are forgiven and Jubilee proclaimed. The Jews have already celebrated their day of Atonement based upon the dark moon which ended the evening of October 12th (tonight). Others have put the day of atonement a day or two later based upon the what moon they consider “visible”.

If my understanding of Saturn as a Symbol of Babylon in the sky and the moon as a cursor pointing to what is important. Then one can rationalize that the eclipse of Saturn “never to be seen again” on the Day of Atonement on Babylon’s calendar is fitting but circumstantial.

Keep your eyes open the next few nights!



Daniel Larimer

Cofounder of,,, and author of More Equal Animals — the subtle art of true democracy.